The sand particles that come through the wind are very sharp. It pierces. We were all safe because we were covered. But it was tough for the artistes. Both Najeeb and Khadri had a tough time. And the other thing was that the rolling sands would have static electricity in them. And once it touches our body, we cannot touch anything else, the camera or people. But we got some good shots.
How was it for you to work with such a small acting crew, especially in the desert? It’s mostly Najeeb and the goats…
Yeah, only three people actually. That was the toughest, most challenging part of this movie. I think for about an hour, there are only three characters. As I said before, we changed the terrain, because the progression had to be seen. We kept changing locations every half an hour. When you see the movie you can see a flat desert, a high dune desert, and more. We were lucky to get an oasis also. We changed up the terrains a lot so it wouldn’t look very boring. That’s why Blessy wanted the initial part of the masara to be put in between the rocks. The rocks themselves feel like a prison by nature. Once they run from there over the night, they see a sea of sand. That was intentionally done. That’s why we shot in two countries.