Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt visited Bageshwar Dham, a renowned spiritual center in Madhya Pradesh, on Saturday, June 15. Sanjay shared photos from his visit on his Instagram account, expressing his reverence for Lord Shiva and Hanuman. He also praised Bageshwar Dham as a “big centre of faith” and commended the humility of Bageshwar Dham Balaji Maharaj.
Sanjay Dutt seeks blessings at Bageshwar Dham in Madhya Pradesh
Sanjay Dutt receives warm welcome at Bageshwar Dhan
Upon arrival at Khajuraho Airport, Dutt received a grand welcome by the Dham family. He then proceeded to the temple complex, where he first offered prayers to Lord Balaji. Following his ‘parikrama’ (circumambulation), Dutt met with Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, the Peethadheeshwar (head priest) of Bageshwar Dham, to seek his blessings.
Sanjay Dutt touched by the experience
Dutt expressed his deep appreciation for the immense faith displayed by devotees at the temple. He described his meeting with Bageshwar Maharaj as an unforgettable experience: “After meeting Maharaj ji, it felt as if I had known him for years. The time spent with him is one of the best times of my life.” He further declared his intention to revisit Bageshwar Dham, highlighting the spiritual significance of the place.
Coming to the professional front, fans can next see Sanjay Dutt on the big screen in Shankar’s upcoming film Double iSmart, where he plays the antagonist. The film, co-starring Ram Pothineni, is now scheduled for release on August 15.
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