The city of Kashi witnessed a fusion of tradition and modernity as Bollywood stars Ranveer Singh and Kriti Sanon graced the ramp for designer Manish Malhotra’s heritage show. Held against the picturesque backdrop of Varanasi ghats, the event showcased the timeless beauty of Banarasi handicrafts through a contemporary lens. Manish Malhotra’s collection was a homage to the rich heritage of Kashi. The designer curated each ensemble, aiming to showcase the intricate beauty of Banarasi silk to a global audience.
Ranveer Singh keeps it stylish in Banarasi bandhgala, Kriti Sanon dons silk lehenga for Manish Malhotra’s show in Varanasi: “PM Narendra Modi has absolutely changed Kashi in these 10 years”
Kriti Sanon exuded elegance in a stunning maroon-red Banarasi silk lehenga. Her ensemble featured exquisite gold brocade embroidery in delicate rose patterns, accentuated by gold embroidered borders. Paired with a half-sleeved matching blouse and a tissue silk dupatta, Kriti’s attire epitomized grace and poise. Accessorized with white gajra-adorned Kaleeras, ornate jewellery, and a sleek bun adorned with gajra, Kriti’s look was a perfect blend of tradition and contemporary style. Her makeup, featuring a glossy nude lip shade and smoky eyes, added a touch of allure to her ensemble.
????| Ranveer Singh & Kriti Sanon for Manish Malhotra Show in Varanasi ❤️
— Ranveer Singh TBT (@Ranveertbt) April 14, 2024
Speaking to ANI post the show, Ranveer Singh said, “I was talking to the other models backstage that we have walked in many fashion shows, but this is once in a lifetime opportunity. Walking on the banks of river Ganga felt a million times better than walking at Mumbai’s 5-star banquet. This event showcases the exquisite craftsmanship of our weaver community. We deeply appreciate everything Shri Narendra Modi has done to protect and promote the weaver community. The vibrations and energy of this day are unforgettable. PM Narendra Modi has absolutely changed Kashi in these 10 years.”
Kriti talked about her look and added, “The best part about the Banarasi saree is that the weavers weave only one saree of a kind. It takes days to weave one piece. This thing should be taken out into the world. I am glad that I could be part of this initiative. Kashi is a very good example of Vikas Bhi Virasat Bhi.”
On the other hand, Ranveer Singh made a striking statement in a deep plum-coloured kurta, dhoti pants, and a Banarasi silk gold bandhgala jacket. His ensemble exuded regal charm, adorned with intricate brocade embroidery and complemented by his signature rugged beard and backswept hairdo.
The event not only celebrated the rich heritage of Varanasi but also aimed to promote Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Vocal for Local, Local for Global’ initiative. Through their collaboration with Manish Malhotra, Ranveer Singh and Kriti Sanon aimed to globalize the exquisite Banarasi handicraft, highlighting the craftsmanship of Kashi on an international platform.
While Ranveer Singh gears up for his upcoming ventures, including Singham Again and Don 3, Kriti Sanon revels in the success of Crew.
ALSO READ: Ranveer Singh, Kriti Sanon, Manish Malhotra offer prayers at Kashi Vishwanath Temple in Varanasi, see pics and videos
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