Prithviraj Sukumaran has been busy sporting the director’s hat for his tentpole challenge Empuraan (2025), a sequel to his debut directorial effort Lucifer (2019). The movie, which options Mohanlal within the titular position, simply accomplished the third schedule of the movie within the US. The actor/director took to his social media pages to share the updates on the wrapping up of the movie’s greatest schedule within the US which has been happening for the final one month in numerous components of New Mexico and West Coast. The movie is touted to be the most important manufacturing from Malayalam cinema, that has been shot throughout many areas together with Manali, Abhu Dhabhi, UK and US.
The crew of Empuraan shall be transferring subsequent to Chennai, the place they may shoot the following schedule, earlier than transferring again to Kerala the place the remainder of the movie is anticipated to be shot. Empuraan is a prequel story on the life and instances of Stephen Nedumpally aka Khureshi-Ab’raam, the worldwide arms supplier and thriller determine performed by Mohanlal who is meant to be in cohorts with the key worldwide crime syndicates.
Empuraan will reportedly function Prithviraj Sukumaran, Tovino Thomas, Indrajith Sukumaran and a hoast of main stars from throughout the nation, whose names have nonetheless been saved beneath wraps by the crew as of now. The movie penned by Murali Gopy could have music by Deepak Dev. Sujith Vaasudev cranks the digital camera for the large funds motion flick bankrolled collectively by Aashirvad Cinemas and Lyca Productions. Empuraan is anticipated to finish its remaining schedule by August and hit the theatres by the top of this 12 months or starting of subsequent 12 months.